Film and television production studio Sigma Film Ltd was founded in 1984 and has produced the following films:

1. Featured Films

  • 1984 " The Love of Odysseus " scripted and directed by Vasilis Vafeas
  • 1987 " 120 Decibels " scripted and directed by Vasilis Vafeas
  • 1990 " Red Daisy " scripted and directed by Vasilis Vafeas
  • 1993 " Cosmic Anatomy " scripted and directed by Vasilis Vafeas
  • 1999 " Every Saturday " scripted and directed by Vasilis Vafeas
  • 2008 " Women Conspiracies " scripted and directed by Vasilis Vafeas

Also Sigma Film has bought the percentage of Vassilis Vafeas on the ownership of the film " Eastern region " and " Repo " while he reserves the right of relative producer .


Legal Representative - Agent : Anastasia Hadjistefanou - Vafeas

Sigma Film

Movie Productions
Address: 23 Kairi Street, Nea Smirni, 171 22
tel./fax: 210 32 18 590
V.A.T. 095229178
Tax Office Nea Smirni
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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